Living with Lucille

Saturday, May 18, 2013


We were warned before we embarked that RV folk are generally helpful and pleasant people.  It's not that I don't believe such statements, more that I take generalizations with a grain of salt.  Not every camper at the Pikeville municipal RV park has fit that description.  There's a trailer next to us which houses six, yes six, plumbers who do not wave or reply to a "hello."  (I might not be too happy living with five other dudes in a trailer, so I guess I understand.)  There is a retired couple here from Michigan visiting family who pretty much  do fit the stereotype.  The other day they loaded us up with leftover homemade chili and hamburger buns.  He's a retired contractor who worked for facilities management at a state university, a self described "jack of all trades and master of none."

With our recent leak in the front window of the RV, we've been outside standing on the hood of the RV pondering where the water is coming in, applying and removing the tarp, etc.  Without needing an invitation, Bill has offered caulk, a hair dryer, various tools, a garden hose, and manual labor to assist with fixing the leak.  Looks like we now have it under control.  Thanks, Bill!

In other news, here are some gratuitous, adorable "Addie in the RV" photos.

Gumming a measuring bowl
Gumming a teething toy

Gumming a bib
Gumming her hand
Almost pulling up and out

1 comment:

  1. Addie,

    Benjamin sends you his love and wishes you could commiserate in person over the tragedy that is teething. Keep on gumming girl!
